| Powdered yw amber (41) |
 | Axe (58) |
 | Summer potion (10) |
 | Ruby potion (7) |
 | Acorn (2987) |
 | Winter potion (44) |
 | Fire Orb - BONDED (1) |
 | Fried egg (120) |
 | Roast chicken (245) |
 | Scrawny Turkey Egg (7) |
 | Feeble Turkey Egg (5) |
 | Shoes of Lavawalker (1) |
 | Grilled beef (108) |
 | Sonhi pass (1) |
 | Flame Torch (1) |
 | Nagnang compass (8) |
 | Bottled darkness (1) |
 | Staff of the elements - BONDED (1) |
 | Light blue petal (29) |
 | Summer quiver (1) |
 | Winter quiver (2) |
 | Autumn quiver (3) |
 | Key to pond (1) |
 | Key to heaven (1) |
 | Ee san surge - BONDED (2) |
 | Rice (101) |
 | Peas (176) |
 | Salt block (32) |
 | Forsaken staff (2) |
 | Moon shard (1) |
 | Tiny fish (14382) |
 | Well cftd dk amber (3) |
 | Scroll (3) |
 | Well crafted amber (3) |
 | Rat meat (347) |
 | SetZe robe - BONDED (1) |
 | YeoSutZe robe - BONDED (1) |
 | Spirit Drum (1) |
 | Magical dust (1) |
 | Forged kallal (1) |
 | Horse meat (1358) |
 | Duck feather (1) |
 | YilGopZe robe - BONDED (1) |
 | Scribe's book (2) |
 | YulZe robe - BONDED (1) |
 | Equipment restoration (4) |
 | Yellow feather (12) |
 | Zombie basher (2) |
 | Crowning Fan (1) |
 | Anniversary Free Orb Coupon (2) |
 | Skull arrows (1) |
 | Warmers (1) |
 | Hood warmer (1) |
 | Boiled fish (2665) |
 | Mortar and Pestle (1) |
 | Coconut milk container (3) |
 | Coconut meat (2) |
 | Coir net (1) |
 | Empty water jug (90) |
 | Noodles (40) |
 | Flour (38) |
 | Scrawny fish (9215) |
 | Sun garb - BONDED (1) |
 | Ginko wood (29) |
 | Toxic long coat (1) |
 | Totem Jewel - BONDED (1) |