| Born in Yuri 78, Summer |
 | Kwi-Sin Poet since Yuri 78, Fall |
 | Shredder destroyed 8 items of this hero |
 | Participated in 1 Elixir Wars |
 | 1 Elixir War victories |
 | Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 87, Spring) |
 | Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 88, Summer) |
 | Dog linguist (Yuri 88, Summer) |
 | Attained First Mark (Yuri 88, Summer) |
 | Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 88, Summer) |
 | Attained totem mastery (Yuri 88, Fall) |
 | Engaged to yuito (Yuri 88, Fall) |
 | Apprentice scribe |
 | Married to Yuito (Yuri 88, Fall) |
 | Participated in 10 Carnages |
 | 6 Carnage victories |
 | Adept carpenter |
 | Completed 3 minor quests |
 | Attained Second Mark (Yuri 88, Winter) |
 | Apprentice fisherman |
 | On a quest to slay the Skeleton Ji |
 | Participated in 1 Fox hunts |
 | Participated in 1 Bloodlusts |