Cunning Loudan

Cunning Loudan
Character name:Cunning Loudan
Character Nation:Buya
Blood brother :Traveller
Clan title:Little One
Clan name:LostKingdom

Vital statistics
Level :99
Vita :29905
Mana :14963
Might :133
Grace :137
Will :130
Equipment list
Weapon :Light broadswordLight broadsword
Armor :Wind armorWind armor
Shield :Heavy bucklerHeavy buckler
Helm :Substratum headpieceSubstratum headpiece
Left hand :Burning gauntletBurning gauntlet
Right hand :Burning gauntletBurning gauntlet

Spell list
bEmbrace of the void
cSpirits form
eSpirits hand
fSleep trap
hFlash trap
iSnare trap
jKwi-Sin Maso's remedy
kBaekho's cunning
lSpirit warrior
mTiger's Fortitude
oSpiritual jump
pSpot traps
rBuya sage
uAfterlifes embrace
xThe voids measure
BSpiritual guide
CKwi-Sin cloak
DKwi-Sin disguise
EKwi-Sin mask
FKwi-Sin chameleon
GDagger uniform
TDrink of souls

Inventory list
Current gold : 719959
Superior etched bladeSuperior etched blade
Bear's liverBear's liver (100)
Night Winter Fox mountNight Winter Fox mount
Il Featherlight armIl Featherlight arm
Yellow scrollYellow scroll (182)
Kindred talismanKindred talisman (152)
Scroll of protectionScroll of protection (6)
Scroll of invocationScroll of invocation (6)
Caged turkeyCaged turkey (50)
Herb pipeHerb pipe
Indigo potionIndigo potion (21)
Daily coinDaily coin (87)
Shee-Lee ringShee-Lee ring
Shee-Lee ringShee-Lee ring
Il Flame spearIl Flame spear
Enchanted Flame spearEnchanted Flame spear
Sa Featherlight armSa Featherlight arm
Sam Featherlight armSam Featherlight arm
Sam Sulfurule scepterSam Sulfurule scepter
Mesh substratum membraneMesh substratum membrane
Seraph pendantSeraph pendant (1)

Deposit list
Deposited gold : 0
RockRock (5)
Lagoon tako shieldLagoon tako shield (1)
Poisoned waterPoisoned water (13)
Blue stardropBlue stardrop (498)
Blackest stardropBlackest stardrop (19)
Sunken silkSunken silk (8)
Scorpions stingerScorpions stinger (8)
Ripped talonRipped talon (4)
Sacred oilSacred oil (21)
Mango floretMango floret (6)
Viper stickViper stick (1)
Black stardropBlack stardrop (60)
Sun waistcoat - BONDEDSun waistcoat - BONDED (1)
Purple stardropPurple stardrop (724)
Yellow stardropYellow stardrop (92)
Life BlossomLife Blossom (27)
Scroll of protectionScroll of protection (45)
White moon axe - BONDEDWhite moon axe - BONDED (1)
Lemon grassLemon grass (11)
Splendid silkSplendid silk (29)
Magical parchmentMagical parchment (15)
Lucky rabbits footLucky rabbits foot (10)
Tako inkTako ink (7)
Snake tongueSnake tongue (4)
Plume featherPlume feather (2)
Snake leatherSnake leather (10)
Scaled leatherScaled leather (5)
Healing waterHealing water (9)
SilkSilk (5)
Fine silkFine silk (1)
Green amberGreen amber (67)
Blueberry casual coatBlueberry casual coat (1)
Star tarotStar tarot (1)
Tower tarotTower tarot (1)
Scroll of invocationScroll of invocation (20)
Flame Whisp pumpkinFlame Whisp pumpkin (1)
Equipment restorationEquipment restoration (2)
Lucky bouquetLucky bouquet (1)
Bunny gold bow tailBunny gold bow tail (1)
Sun tarotSun tarot (3)
Spring waterSpring water (1)
Flower tarotFlower tarot (1)
Featherlight metalFeatherlight metal (5)
Firesoul LariatFiresoul Lariat (1)
Full experience envelopeFull experience envelope (30)
Ebony stumpEbony stump (11)
Tarot deckTarot deck (7)
RoseRose (328)
SunflowerSunflower (38)
Greater tulipGreater tulip (102)
Fallen starFallen star (167)
Midnight's reignMidnight's reign (82)
Heaven's bellHeaven's bell (5)
Old poppyOld poppy (56)
Dusk blossomDusk blossom (31)
Golden sunsetGolden sunset (35)
Dawn tulipDawn tulip (11)
DaffodilDaffodil (79)
Lemon flowerLemon flower (148)
Orange blossomOrange blossom (106)
Blood stoneBlood stone (1)
WinedropWinedrop (37)
Pink mugunghwaPink mugunghwa (10)
Red stardropRed stardrop (108)
Green stardropGreen stardrop (150)
Frosty badgeFrosty badge (7)
Flame amberFlame amber (3)
Bag of flowersBag of flowers (3)
Fire stoneFire stone (7)
Prism amberPrism amber (4)
Blue 17th Kruna Anniversary hat SBlue 17th Kruna Anniversary hat S (1)
Teleport scrollTeleport scroll (1)
EE Crafting Mastery CouponEE Crafting Mastery Coupon (1)
Boxed ectoplasmBoxed ectoplasm (4)
Kapur seedlingKapur seedling (5)
Ayin HorohAyin Horoh (19)
Red amberRed amber (1)
Dragon's toothDragon's tooth (1)
Snowbunny floatSnowbunny float (19)
Electrified ScaleElectrified Scale (6)
Blackened crystalBlackened crystal (6)
Good eyeGood eye (1)
WatermelonWatermelon (5)
Crystalline ArchebladeCrystalline Archeblade (1)

Born in Yuri 51, SpringBorn in Yuri 51, Spring
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 53, Winter)Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 53, Winter)
Fought off the Pirates (Yuri 54, Summer)Fought off the Pirates (Yuri 54, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 54, Summer)Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 54, Summer)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 54, Summer)Mastered the stars (Yuri 54, Summer)
Understood the moon (Yuri 54, Summer)Understood the moon (Yuri 54, Summer)
Reached the Pirates' Island (Yuri 54, Summer)Reached the Pirates' Island (Yuri 54, Summer)
Infiltrated the Pirate Cove (Yuri 54, Summer)Infiltrated the Pirate Cove (Yuri 54, Summer)
Recovered the Buya Treasures (Yuri 54, Summer)Recovered the Buya Treasures (Yuri 54, Summer)
Reached the Sonhi Desert Camp (Yuri 59, Winter)Reached the Sonhi Desert Camp (Yuri 59, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 60, Summer)Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 60, Summer)
Fought off the Bonebreaker Pirates (Yuri 64, Fall)Fought off the Bonebreaker Pirates (Yuri 64, Fall)
Reached Sambong Island (Yuri 64, Fall)Reached Sambong Island (Yuri 64, Fall)
Sneaked into the Pirate Cove (Yuri 64, Fall)Sneaked into the Pirate Cove (Yuri 64, Fall)
Retrieved the stolen Nagnang Treasures (Yuri 64, Fall)Retrieved the stolen Nagnang Treasures (Yuri 64, Fall)
Dog linguist (Yuri 64, Fall)Dog linguist (Yuri 64, Fall)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 64, Fall)Attained totem mastery (Yuri 64, Fall)
Who's Lucky Now? (Yuri 64, Fall)Who's Lucky Now? (Yuri 64, Fall)
Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 64, Fall)Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 64, Fall)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 64, Fall)Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 64, Fall)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 64, Fall)Discovered lost legend (Yuri 64, Fall)
Captured the wind (Yuri 64, Fall)Captured the wind (Yuri 64, Fall)
Survived the sun (Yuri 64, Fall)Survived the sun (Yuri 64, Fall)
Traveller's blood brotherTraveller's blood brother
1 Fox hunt victories1 Fox hunt victories
Novice woodcutterNovice woodcutter
Has gone on 1 Treasure Hunts, appointed by linuxkiddyHas gone on 1 Treasure Hunts, appointed by linuxkiddy
Attained First Mark (Yuri 66, Fall)Attained First Mark (Yuri 66, Fall)
Shredder destroyed 5 items of this heroShredder destroyed 5 items of this hero
Kwi-Sin Rogue since Yuri 66, FallKwi-Sin Rogue since Yuri 66, Fall
23 Year Anniversary23 Year Anniversary
Lesser alliance with the Pig (Yuri 67, Summer)Lesser alliance with the Pig (Yuri 67, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Horse (Yuri 67, Summer)Greater alliance with the Horse (Yuri 67, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Ox (Yuri 67, Summer)Greater alliance with the Ox (Yuri 67, Summer)
Greater alliance with the Dog (Yuri 67, Summer)Greater alliance with the Dog (Yuri 67, Summer)
Got Lucky and unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 72, Fall)Got Lucky and unearthed the Kettle of Gold (Yuri 72, Fall)
Helped Tokki (Yuri 74, Spring)Helped Tokki (Yuri 74, Spring)
Stood against Red Flare the Immortal (Yuri 77, Summer)Stood against Red Flare the Immortal (Yuri 77, Summer)
Participated in 10 Fox huntsParticipated in 10 Fox hunts
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 78, Winter)Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 78, Winter)
Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 78, Winter)Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 78, Winter)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 78, Winter)Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 78, Winter)
Winner of 1 Merchant events, recognized by everclearWinner of 1 Merchant events, recognized by everclear
Recovered the Treasure 2 times, verified by TamoRecovered the Treasure 2 times, verified by Tamo
You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)
Completed 755 minor questsCompleted 755 minor quests
Participated in 96 CarnagesParticipated in 96 Carnages
50 Carnage victories50 Carnage victories
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 93, Summer)Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 93, Summer)
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 109 timesAssisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 109 times
Character name    

Last Updated : 12-6-2024

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