Luminary Lafayette

Luminary Lafayette
Character name:Luminary Lafayette
Character title:[Redacted]
Character Nation:Buya
Blood brother :PrinceTrust
Clan title:Phoenix Noble
Clan name:Phoenix

Vital statistics
Level :99
Vita :364928
Mana :640302
Might :107
Grace :37
Will :91
Equipment list
Weapon :Solid ChakramSolid Chakram
Armor :Celestial VestmentsCelestial Vestments
Shield :Immortality charmImmortality charm
Helm :Ju jak casqueJu jak casque
Left hand :Antique Mystic herbAntique Mystic herb
Right hand :Antique Mystic herbAntique Mystic herb

Inventory list
Current gold : 7907794
Daily coinDaily coin (6)
Snake meatSnake meat (200)
Beautiful leatherBeautiful leather (26)
Jeweled ring of SubstratumJeweled ring of Substratum
YangbantaiYangbantai (1)
Li's Key to SuccessLi's Key to Success (1)
Fine snake meatFine snake meat (10)
Blue Firetail mountBlue Firetail mount
Blood stoneBlood stone
Sacred pendantSacred pendant (1)

Deposit list
Deposited gold : 1000000
Bloodstained quillBloodstained quill (9)
Grain of sandGrain of sand (3)
Poisoned waterPoisoned water (66)
Dark essenceDark essence (55)
Plate of metalPlate of metal (5)
Plated skinPlated skin (256)
Bear brainsBear brains (10)
Bear's toothBear's tooth (42)
Wicked woolWicked wool (45)
Sacred oilSacred oil (61)
Ripped talonRipped talon (38)
Unleashed angerUnleashed anger (42)
Bulk of sandBulk of sand (97)
Canine toothCanine tooth (78)
Heavy rockHeavy rock (2)
Tortured human soulTortured human soul (15)
Bear scalpBear scalp (3)
Spare skinSpare skin (75)
Boxed ectoplasmBoxed ectoplasm (36)
Dog hairDog hair (6)
Azure silkAzure silk (36)
Scaled leatherScaled leather (31)
Sunken silkSunken silk (75)
Corrupted clothCorrupted cloth (74)
Chaotic cottonChaotic cotton (3)
Cursed blue flameCursed blue flame (2)
Red sparkling wineRed sparkling wine (9)
Banana milkBanana milk (13)
SojuSoju (20)
Scorpions stingerScorpions stinger (2)
Magical textsMagical texts (44)
Magical parchmentMagical parchment (104)
Lucky rabbits footLucky rabbits foot (67)
Rabbits footRabbits foot (45)
RockRock (5)
Fighter essenceFighter essence (77)
Old bootsOld boots (5)
Snake leatherSnake leather (67)
Perfect white pearlPerfect white pearl (11)
SilkSilk (77)
Fine silkFine silk (67)
Black slick hairBlack slick hair (1)
Snake skin meshSnake skin mesh (28)
Heavy champion runeHeavy champion rune (6)
Soft claySoft clay (14)
Small rockSmall rock (22)
ClayClay (60)
Splendid silkSplendid silk (92)
Beautiful leatherBeautiful leather (416)
Torn pawTorn paw (3)
Rabid salivaRabid saliva (14)
Bottled dog breathBottled dog breath (6)
Crane featherCrane feather (2)
Focused fire amberFocused fire amber (15)
Small white pearlSmall white pearl (3)
Large white pearlLarge white pearl (1)
Perfect black pearlPerfect black pearl (2)
Armored plated skinArmored plated skin (159)
Snake tongueSnake tongue (39)
Tako inkTako ink (77)
Bottle of venomBottle of venom (44)
Venom sacVenom sac (52)
Tattered leatherTattered leather (65)
Spring waterSpring water (92)
Crystal fly eyeCrystal fly eye (53)
Vile vialVile vial (6)
Healing waterHealing water (59)
Crystal waterCrystal water (67)
Lightly stitched shellLightly stitched shell (17)
Prism amberPrism amber (373)
The polished stoneThe polished stone (15)
Sea potionSea potion (18)
Fern pirate coatFern pirate coat (1)
Snake meatSnake meat (766)
Winter potionWinter potion (12)
Ruby potionRuby potion (13)
Ghostly essenceGhostly essence (2)
Sap plant roughageSap plant roughage (3)
Focusing waterFocusing water (25)
Bird wingBird wing (195)
Fine snake meatFine snake meat (180)
Large ju jak ringLarge ju jak ring (1)
Medium ju jak ringMedium ju jak ring (1)
Trader's bracerTrader's bracer (3)
StardropStardrop (222)
Fly wingsFly wings (32)
Fly legFly leg (31)
Diseased vialDiseased vial (1)
Faerie light - BONDEDFaerie light - BONDED (1)
Gold Easter robeGold Easter robe (1)
Brown Guard uniformBrown Guard uniform (1)
Bunhong jangsinguBunhong jangsingu (1)
Antique Luck amuletAntique Luck amulet (2)
SeaweedSeaweed (50)
SetZe robe - BONDEDSetZe robe - BONDED (1)
Fine clothFine cloth (61)
ClothCloth (124)
Trapped soulTrapped soul (22)
Character name    

Last Updated : 2-16-2025

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