Panoply ImAdudeAlso

Panoply ImAdudeAlso
Character name:Panoply ImAdudeAlso
Character title:Hydra
Character Nation:Buya

Vital statistics
Level :99
Vita :169995
Mana :204694
Might :130
Grace :130
Will :136
Equipment list
Weapon :Winter scepterWinter scepter
Armor :Star robesStar robes
Shield :Lucky LanternLucky Lantern
Helm :Hyun moo casqueHyun moo casque
Left hand :Worn Lurid eyeWorn Lurid eye
Right hand :Worn Lurid eyeWorn Lurid eye

Spell list
dLife's river
eGather magic
fNatures ire
gElemental armor
hRestore armor
iPower burst
kMagic shield
lInfuse life-force
pFree movement
qAlign armor
rUnalign armor
tRelease focus
uProtector of Ohaeng
vBody of alignment
wRestore balance
xDeath undone
yBreath of life
AWarrior of Ohaeng
BBuya sage
CHyun moo revival
DAlign follower
FForge of life
GChampion of Ohaeng

Born in Yuri 67, SpringBorn in Yuri 67, Spring
Ohaeng Poet since Yuri 67, SummerOhaeng Poet since Yuri 67, Summer
Dog linguist (Yuri 67, Summer)Dog linguist (Yuri 67, Summer)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 67, Summer)Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 67, Summer)
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 67, Summer)Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 67, Summer)
Fed 1 items to the GelapodFed 1 items to the Gelapod
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 67, Summer)Attained totem mastery (Yuri 67, Summer)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 67, Fall)Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 67, Fall)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 67, Fall)Mastered the stars (Yuri 67, Fall)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 67, Fall)Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 67, Fall)
Attained First Mark (Yuri 68, Spring)Attained First Mark (Yuri 68, Spring)
Engaged to Taybear (Yuri 68, Spring)Engaged to Taybear (Yuri 68, Spring)
Shredder destroyed 1 items of this heroShredder destroyed 1 items of this hero
Participated in 3 Elixir WarsParticipated in 3 Elixir Wars
2 Elixir War victories2 Elixir War victories
1 Bloodlust victories1 Bloodlust victories
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 3 timesAssisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 3 times
Participated in 4 BloodlustsParticipated in 4 Bloodlusts
Talented carpenterTalented carpenter
Dreamed of sorrow and discord (Yuri 78, Winter)Dreamed of sorrow and discord (Yuri 78, Winter)
Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 78, Winter)Calmed ancient snowstorms (Yuri 78, Winter)
Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 78, Winter)Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 78, Winter)
Helped love transcend life to achieve a painful truth (Yuri 79, Winter)Helped love transcend life to achieve a painful truth (Yuri 79, Winter)
You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)You are not so lucky now, are you, Lucky? (Yuri 80, Fall)
25 Year Anniversary25 Year Anniversary
Crossed the ethereal bridge (Yuri 83, Fall)Crossed the ethereal bridge (Yuri 83, Fall)
Gained wisdom from Rock Guardian (Yuri 83, Fall)Gained wisdom from Rock Guardian (Yuri 83, Fall)
Completed 73 minor questsCompleted 73 minor quests
5 Carnage victories5 Carnage victories
Participated in 8 Fox huntsParticipated in 8 Fox hunts
3 Fox hunt victories3 Fox hunt victories
Participated in 20 CarnagesParticipated in 20 Carnages
Passed Second Trial of Wealth (Yuri 86, Winter)Passed Second Trial of Wealth (Yuri 86, Winter)
Passed Second Trial of Spirit (Yuri 86, Winter)Passed Second Trial of Spirit (Yuri 86, Winter)
Passed Second Trial of Culture (Yuri 86, Winter)Passed Second Trial of Culture (Yuri 86, Winter)
Passed Second Trial of Knowledge (Yuri 86, Winter)Passed Second Trial of Knowledge (Yuri 86, Winter)
Character name    

Last Updated : 12-9-2024

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