| Born in Yuri 79, Spring |
| Kwi-Sin Poet since Yuri 79, Summer |
| Dog linguist (Yuri 79, Fall) |
| Helped love transcend life to achieve a painful truth (Yuri 79, Winter) |
| Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 80, Winter) |
| Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 83, Spring) |
| Attained First Mark (Yuri 83, Fall) |
| Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 83, Winter) |
| Crossed the ethereal bridge (Yuri 83, Winter) |
| Lesser alliance with the Horse (Yuri 83, Winter) |
| Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 83, Winter) |
| Attended 1 tutor classes, last witnessed by Cyprian |
| Adept carpenter |
| Witnessed 1 Shaman Ritual(s) by Xevu |
| Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 84, Spring) |
| Mastered the stars (Yuri 84, Spring) |
| Understood the moon (Yuri 84, Spring) |
| Attained Second Mark (Yuri 84, Spring) |
| Participated in 2 clan events (Yuri 84, Fall) |
| Aided the Druids in the mystic garden, Yuri 84, Fall |
| Aligned with Earth, Recognized by Druid NayPoet (Yuri 84, Fall) |
| Experienced the Ba Gua 1 times, assisted by ninwolc (Yuri 84, Fall) |
| Devoted to fox, observed by Druid NayPoet |
| Crushed the Council of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 84, Winter) |
| Acolyte of Diancecht, sworn by druid NayPoet |
| Was a Spider in a Past Life, revealed by Gracey |
| Participated in 1 tutor events |
| Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 84, Winter) |
| Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 84, Winter) |
| Attained Spring level in Cartography (Marked by Quotah) (Yuri 84, Winter) |
| Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 85, Spring) |
| Aided the Chongunate in 2 missions, recognized by Chongun Himura |
| Greater alliance with the Snake (Yuri 85, Spring) |
| Greater alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 85, Spring) |
| Greater alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 85, Spring) |
| Collected wood staff (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Freed Leviathan (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Defeated Malevolent Clan Rank 50 |
| Attained Third Mark (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Harnessed fire of passion (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Forged the Staff of the Elements |
| Discovered lost legend (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Captured the wind (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Attained Fourth Mark (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Survived the sun (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Museum Benefactor (Yuri 85, Summer) |
| Practiced the Elemental Arts 1 times, recognized by KOSfoLIFE |
| Vanquished Overlord B'Gnngh (Yuri 85, Fall) |
| Broke the seal of Nngh'Zan (Yuri 85, Fall) |
| 25 Carnage victories |
| Defeated the Mighty Nngh'Zan (Yuri 85, Fall) |
| Has dined at the Chongun kitchen 1 time(s), last observed by Heira |
| Protector of Nature, marked by Kaleea |
| Apprentice woodcutter |
| Crafted a forgotten Druid artifact, Yuri 87, Spring |
| Dreamed of joy and wonder (Yuri 87, Spring) |
| Brought warmth to Cold Bones (Yuri 87, Spring) |
| 23 Bloodlust victories |
| Owner of pet kitty sspy (Yuri 89, Spring) |
| Has received 2 Flower readings, last observed by Druid ZipZappy (Yuri 92, Winter) |
| Has received 1 Ogham Rune readings, last observed by Druid ZipZappy (Yuri 92, Winter) |
| 13 Fox hunt victories |
| Recognized as Herbalist by Druid Kaleea (Yuri 93, Spring) |
| Recognized as Ollaire Bard by Druid Kaleea (Yuri 93, Spring) |
| Engaged to Sersei (Yuri 93, Summer) |
| Participated in 62 Carnages |
| Witnessed 2 rituals of Divinity, by BatSheba |
| Learned Taal folk stories from old man Tershthe |
| Apprentice fisherman |
| Married to Sersei (Yuri 93, Summer) |
| 13 Elixir War victories |
| Participated in 27 Fox hunts |
| Celebrated 3 Druid festivals, observed by noots |
| Participated in 57 Bloodlusts |
| Participated in 49 Elixir Wars |
| Shredder destroyed 10 items of this hero |
| Fed 3 items to the Gelapod |
| Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 20 times |
| Completed 467 minor quests |