Baekho Gooon

Baekho Gooon
Character name:Baekho Gooon
Character Nation:Nagnang
Spouse :Magia
Clan title:FroSand
Clan name:Silla

Vital statistics
Level :99
Vita :10374
Mana :8565
Might :111
Grace :92
Will :47
Equipment list
Armor :** The Shadows **** The Shadows **
Shield :Lucky LanternLucky Lantern

Spell list
aKwi-Sin Maro's remedy
bSpirits form
dAfterlifes embrace
eThe voids measure
gFlash trap
hSpirit warrior
iBaekho's cunning
jSpirits hand
kDeath trap
mSpot traps
oSpirit strike
pDagger uniform
rSnare trap
xShare wisdom
VFilling the soul
WSouls rage
XDart trap
YRepeating dart
ZSpiritual cure

Inventory list
Current gold : 50000
Antique Occult sphereAntique Occult sphere
Plasmic substratumPlasmic substratum
Red thick gutulsRed thick gutuls
Dark amberDark amber (1)
Covert Jingum XieCovert Jingum Xie
Military forkMilitary fork
Forged kallalForged kallal
Titanium gloveTitanium glove
Titanium gloveTitanium glove
Worn Luck amuletWorn Luck amulet
MetalMetal (20)
Red thick gutulsRed thick gutuls
Faerie lightFaerie light
Red thick gutulsRed thick gutuls
SunflowerSunflower (10)
Purple potionPurple potion (1)
Kindred talismanKindred talisman (66)
Yellow scrollYellow scroll (2)
Nimble bladeNimble blade

Deposit list
Deposited gold : 0
Lucky silver coinLucky silver coin (3)
Fragile roseFragile rose (13)
Chung ryong keyChung ryong key (1)
AmbrosiaAmbrosia (13)
Lucky coinLucky coin (31)
Scribe's penScribe's pen (10)
Tao stoneTao stone (6)
Red thick gutulsRed thick gutuls (1)
Black adorned mantleBlack adorned mantle (1)
Harlequin noseHarlequin nose (1)
Blue recess bucketBlue recess bucket (1)
Blue recess garbBlue recess garb (1)
Splendid tiger peltSplendid tiger pelt (41)
Red diver trunksRed diver trunks (1)
Dark horned helmetDark horned helmet (1)
Azure silkAzure silk (2)
Plated skinPlated skin (2)
Dragon's liverDragon's liver (1)
Corrupted ringCorrupted ring (1)
Heavy polearmHeavy polearm (1)
Wood scrapsWood scraps (16)
Covert Jingum XieCovert Jingum Xie (1)
MetalMetal (5)
Ore [poor]Ore [poor] (5)
PeasPeas (24)
WheatWheat (18)
Clear water songClear water song (1)
Pearl charmPearl charm (13)
Baekho keyBaekho key (5)
Bekyun's spearBekyun's spear (1)
Purple peacock tailPurple peacock tail (1)
Bat stickBat stick (2)
Hamgyong gem fragmentsHamgyong gem fragments (1)
Fine metalFine metal (5)
White quiggy packWhite quiggy pack (1)
CrystalCrystal (1)
Magical dustMagical dust (2)
Serpent staffSerpent staff (1)
Dragon daggerDragon dagger (1)
Black MagojaBlack Magoja (1)
Cats clawCats claw (1)
Key to heavenKey to heaven (7)
Key to pondKey to pond (10)
Key to waterKey to water (1)
Key to earthKey to earth (1)
Basic buckler - BONDEDBasic buckler - BONDED (1)
Moon waistcoat - BONDEDMoon waistcoat - BONDED (1)
Turtle staffTurtle staff (1)
Worn Luck amuletWorn Luck amulet (1)
Antique Occult sphereAntique Occult sphere (1)
MaxcaliberMaxcaliber (1)
White amberWhite amber (1)
Key to thunderKey to thunder (1)

Born in Yuri 124, WinterBorn in Yuri 124, Winter
Engaged to Magia (Yuri 124, Winter)Engaged to Magia (Yuri 124, Winter)
Kwi-Sin Rogue since Yuri 125, SpringKwi-Sin Rogue since Yuri 125, Spring
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 125, Spring)Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 125, Spring)
Dog linguist (Yuri 125, Spring)Dog linguist (Yuri 125, Spring)
Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 125, Spring)Member of Dagger's guild (Yuri 125, Spring)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 125, Spring)Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 125, Spring)
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 125, Spring)Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 125, Spring)
Forged an orb of Metal, Yuri 125, SpringForged an orb of Metal, Yuri 125, Spring
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 125, Spring)Freed Leviathan (Yuri 125, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 125, Spring)Lesser alliance with the Rabbit (Yuri 125, Spring)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 125, Spring)Mastered the stars (Yuri 125, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Rat (Yuri 125, Spring)Lesser alliance with the Rat (Yuri 125, Spring)
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 125, Spring)Attained totem mastery (Yuri 125, Spring)
Completed 1 minor questsCompleted 1 minor quests
On a quest to slay the TigerOn a quest to slay the Tiger
Understood the moon (Yuri 125, Spring)Understood the moon (Yuri 125, Spring)
Apprentice woodcutterApprentice woodcutter
Attended 1 tutor classes, last witnessed by MelalyeAttended 1 tutor classes, last witnessed by Melalye
Married to Magia (Yuri 125, Spring)Married to Magia (Yuri 125, Spring)
Novice farmerNovice farmer
Apprentice fishermanApprentice fisherman
Captured Lucky and Found the Pot of Gold (Yuri 128, Fall)Captured Lucky and Found the Pot of Gold (Yuri 128, Fall)
14 Year Anniversary14 Year Anniversary
Character name    

Last Updated : 12-8-2024

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