Equipment list
Armor : | | <> /|\ <> |
Left hand : | | Fragile rose |
Right hand : | | Fragile rose |
Inventory list
Current gold : 1060518
| Old poppy (1) |
| Ceremonial Fire |
| Ceremonial Fire |
| Ceremonial Fire |
| Ceremonial Fire |
| Book (4) |
| Ceremonial Fire |
| Ceremonial Fire |
| Druids's Valentine |
| Nature charm |
| Soul charm |
| Bunny's Amber (2) |
| Yellow scroll (136) |
| Candlelight |
Deposit list
Deposited gold : 0
| Antler (52) |
| Fallen star (95) |
| Alt Lost soul (7) |
| Fire opal (149) |
| Dawn tulip (33) |
| Chicken meat (29) |
| Gingerroot (29) |
| Spring skirt (1) |
| Haunted Mirror (26) |
| Armored plated skin (4) |
| Black feather (35) |
| Pink petal (3) |
| Green amber (19) |
| Gold wire (2) |
| Gold brick (17) |
| Fleshbegone (4) |
| Foxglove (35) |
| Fire stone (295) |
| Eelgrass (52) |
| Bulk of sand (3) |
| Crystal water (47) |
| Bone dust (9) |
| Belladonna (60) |
| Clear water (4) |
| Unleashed anger (2) |
| Dragon's tooth (7) |
| Earth shard (3) |
| Dragon shard (1) |
| Dark essence (4) |
| Ancient mantle (5) |
| Bone (43) |
| Book (92) |
| Bottled darkness (28) |
| Iron statue (11) |
| Fox blade (15) |
| Fox tail (35) |
| Clay (12) |
| Corrupted cloth (8) |
| Crab meat (2) |
| Crunchy bug (4) |
| Crystal fly eye (11) |
| Ice on the rocks (9) |
| Dark green petal (22) |
| Heavy antler (24) |
| Grilled beef (6) |
| Hamgyong gem fragments (7) |
| Golden antlers (13) |
| Black amber (50) |
| Dusk blossom (80) |
| Boiled fish (8) |
| Finest snake meat (10) |
| Green stardrop (77) |
| Blue stardrop (315) |
| Fresh mold (23) |
| Black stardrop (112) |
| Ancient drapery (2) |
| Bai touy (53) |
| Beryl (19) |
| Ceremonial Fire (28) |
| Bottle of Rage (28) |
| Flower peasant dress (8) |
| Flower peasant garb (4) |
| Fox charm (13) |
| Angry essence (189) |
| Bear's liver (236) |
| Amethyst (15) |
| Endless curse (1) |
| Fine rabbit meat (13) |
| Charm (5) |
| Ginko wood (60) |
| Death's head (3) |
| Angel's tear (3) |
| Fine snake meat (10) |
| Healing water (7) |
| Fox fur (160) |
| Heaven's bell (10) |
| Voodoo doll (4) |
| Golden sunset (15) |
| Crate of supplies (8) |
| Apple (118) |
| Large bird egg (3) |
| Yellow stardrop (31) |
| Fighter essence (3) |
| Good eye (8) |
| Bird wing (13) |
| Fine silk (2) |
| Azure silk (19) |
| Grain of sand (2) |
| Fly leg (4) |
| Bear's tooth (4) |
| Bear brains (2) |
| Spring water (2) |
| Focusing water (3) |
| Right pincer (1) |
| Rabbits foot (5) |
| Poisoned water (7) |
| Flame amber (5) |
| Splendid silk (4) |
| Magical pincer (1) |
| Poisonous spores (4) |