Oracle Clarrissa

Oracle Clarrissa
Character name:Oracle Clarrissa
Character title:~Gray Lady~
Character Nation:Koguryo
Clan title:~Moon Maiden~
Clan name:SunMoon

Vital statistics
Level :99
Vita :115971
Mana :88993
Might :130
Grace :130
Will :130
Equipment list
Weapon :Il san hsiao chu staffIl san hsiao chu staff
Armor :Sun dressSun dress
Helm :Chung FuChung Fu
Left hand :Il san crystal ballIl san crystal ball
Right hand :Il san crystal ballIl san crystal ball

Inventory list
Current gold : 14539
Midnight panther collarMidnight panther collar
Rice wineRice wine
Daily coinDaily coin (2)
Enchanted wardEnchanted ward
Superior etched scepterSuperior etched scepter
Kindred talismanKindred talisman (65)
Yellow scrollYellow scroll (59)
Fortune cookieFortune cookie (3)
** Roses for Clar-bear **** Roses for Clar-bear **
Kibou's ValentineKibou's Valentine

Deposit list
Deposited gold : 0
NetZe gown - BONDEDNetZe gown - BONDED (2)
Augury Staff - BONDEDAugury Staff - BONDED (2)
DaSutZe gown - BONDEDDaSutZe gown - BONDED (1)
White Kinkotot - BONDEDWhite Kinkotot - BONDED (1)
Il san crystal ball - BONDEDIl san crystal ball - BONDED (1)
Crystal staff - BONDEDCrystal staff - BONDED (1)
Mages ward - BONDEDMages ward - BONDED (1)
Brass coinBrass coin (3)
Purple bonnetPurple bonnet (1)
Indigo butterfly wingsIndigo butterfly wings (1)
Purple pirate footwearPurple pirate footwear (1)
Wind skirt - BONDEDWind skirt - BONDED (1)
YeoSutZe gown - BONDEDYeoSutZe gown - BONDED (1)
Adorned cocoa skirtAdorned cocoa skirt (1)
Faerie light - BONDEDFaerie light - BONDED (1)
Goldenrod pirate outfitGoldenrod pirate outfit (1)
Pet Brown RabbitPet Brown Rabbit (1)
Velutinous coatVelutinous coat (1)
Fortune cookieFortune cookie (12)
Short neapolitan hanbokShort neapolitan hanbok (1)
Silver angel wingsSilver angel wings (1)
Dusty pinned flowerDusty pinned flower (1)
Neapolitan gomooshinNeapolitan gomooshin (1)
Orange butterfly wingsOrange butterfly wings (1)
Skull StickSkull Stick (1)
White nekoWhite neko (1)
Icy pinned flowerIcy pinned flower (1)
White cat earsWhite cat ears (1)
Elven desert bodiceElven desert bodice (1)
Fairest hairFairest hair (1)
YilGopZe gown - BONDEDYilGopZe gown - BONDED (1)
Fairest dressFairest dress (1)
YulZe gown - BONDEDYulZe gown - BONDED (1)
Pink heart necklacePink heart necklace (1)
Chamoline mantiyaChamoline mantiya (1)
SetZe gown - BONDEDSetZe gown - BONDED (1)
YeolSeBeunZe female hair - BONDEDYeolSeBeunZe female hair - BONDED (1)
YeolSeBeunZe gown - BONDEDYeolSeBeunZe gown - BONDED (1)
YeolDooBeunZe gown - BONDEDYeolDooBeunZe gown - BONDED (1)
Kindred talismanKindred talisman (24)
Yellow scrollYellow scroll (38)
Flame TorchFlame Torch (1)
YeolNeBeunZe gown - BONDEDYeolNeBeunZe gown - BONDED (1)
YeolHanBeunZe gown - BONDEDYeolHanBeunZe gown - BONDED (1)
Silver blue lace up dressSilver blue lace up dress (1)

Born in Yuri 29, WinterBorn in Yuri 29, Winter
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 34, Spring)Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 34, Spring)
2 Year Anniversary2 Year Anniversary
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 37, Summer)Freed Leviathan (Yuri 37, Summer)
Family to the Nangen Mages (Yuri 37, Winter)Family to the Nangen Mages (Yuri 37, Winter)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 38, Fall)Mastered the stars (Yuri 38, Fall)
Kwi-Sin Mage since Yuri 39, SpringKwi-Sin Mage since Yuri 39, Spring
Devoted to Kwi-Sin in Yuri 39, SpringDevoted to Kwi-Sin in Yuri 39, Spring
Entered Sonhi captured Buya (Yuri 41, Spring)Entered Sonhi captured Buya (Yuri 41, Spring)
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 41, Fall)Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 41, Fall)
Understood the moon (Yuri 41, Fall)Understood the moon (Yuri 41, Fall)
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 42, Winter)Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 42, Winter)
Entered Nyogh's arctic hideout (Yuri 43, Spring)Entered Nyogh's arctic hideout (Yuri 43, Spring)
Entered Nyogh's treasure chamber (Yuri 43, Spring)Entered Nyogh's treasure chamber (Yuri 43, Spring)
3 Year Anniversary3 Year Anniversary
Alignment of Yin and Yang, revealed by ElyraAlignment of Yin and Yang, revealed by Elyra
1 Bloodlust victories1 Bloodlust victories
Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 44, Fall)Defeated the Ice beast (Yuri 44, Fall)
Entered wind temple (Yuri 45, Winter)Entered wind temple (Yuri 45, Winter)
Survived the sun (Yuri 45, Winter)Survived the sun (Yuri 45, Winter)
Gave materials to rebuild the cities (Yuri 46, Fall)Gave materials to rebuild the cities (Yuri 46, Fall)
Found pirates' island (Yuri 48, Spring)Found pirates' island (Yuri 48, Spring)
Fought off pirates (Yuri 48, Spring)Fought off pirates (Yuri 48, Spring)
Collected swallow's eggs (Yuri 48, Spring)Collected swallow's eggs (Yuri 48, Spring)
Entered the ancient rabbit cave (Yuri 48, Winter)Entered the ancient rabbit cave (Yuri 48, Winter)
Honorable Mention in Poetry Revel 1 times (Yuri 49, Summer)Honorable Mention in Poetry Revel 1 times (Yuri 49, Summer)
Entered the mythic war grounds (Yuri 49, Winter)Entered the mythic war grounds (Yuri 49, Winter)
4 Year Anniversary4 Year Anniversary
Trustworthy trader, recognized by DurantTrustworthy trader, recognized by Durant
Attained Tai-chi. Guided by ElyraAttained Tai-chi. Guided by Elyra
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 55, Spring)Attained totem mastery (Yuri 55, Spring)
Fought off pirates (Yuri 57, Summer)Fought off pirates (Yuri 57, Summer)
Lesser alliance with the Monkey (Yuri 58, Summer)Lesser alliance with the Monkey (Yuri 58, Summer)
5 Year Anniversary5 Year Anniversary
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 59, Spring)Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 59, Spring)
Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 59, Summer)Discovered Inner Mines (Yuri 59, Summer)
Completed the Lost mines (Yuri 59, Summer)Completed the Lost mines (Yuri 59, Summer)
Apprentice fishermanApprentice fisherman
Found Serenity in the Tao (Yuri 59, Winter)Found Serenity in the Tao (Yuri 59, Winter)
Discovered lost legend (Yuri 60, Spring)Discovered lost legend (Yuri 60, Spring)
Captured the wind (Yuri 60, Spring)Captured the wind (Yuri 60, Spring)
Fought off pirates (Yuri 66, Spring)Fought off pirates (Yuri 66, Spring)
Helped search for Ugh (Yuri 66, Summer)Helped search for Ugh (Yuri 66, Summer)
Stopped snow tiger invasion (Yuri 66, Summer)Stopped snow tiger invasion (Yuri 66, Summer)
Witnessed 1 rituals of Divinity, by NayukiWitnessed 1 rituals of Divinity, by Nayuki
6 Year Anniversary6 Year Anniversary
Braved pirate mine (Yuri 68, Fall)Braved pirate mine (Yuri 68, Fall)
7 Year Anniversary7 Year Anniversary
Adept carpenterAdept carpenter
Pledged to defend Koguryo (Yuri 80, Fall)Pledged to defend Koguryo (Yuri 80, Fall)
Attended King Yuri's BallAttended King Yuri's Ball
8 Year Anniversary8 Year Anniversary
Attained First Mark (Yuri 84, Winter)Attained First Mark (Yuri 84, Winter)
Helped the Yu Ryang village (Yuri 85, Fall)Helped the Yu Ryang village (Yuri 85, Fall)
Soldier for General HanXin (Yuri 88, Summer)Soldier for General HanXin (Yuri 88, Summer)
Proved loyalty to General HanXin (Yuri 88, Fall)Proved loyalty to General HanXin (Yuri 88, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 89, Spring)Lesser alliance with the Sheep (Yuri 89, Spring)
Lesser alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 89, Summer)Lesser alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 89, Summer)
9 Year Anniversary9 Year Anniversary
Entered Lost Mines to excavate its secrets (Yuri 91, Winter)Entered Lost Mines to excavate its secrets (Yuri 91, Winter)
Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 93, Spring)Entered the Ancient Training Grounds (Yuri 93, Spring)
11 Carnage victories11 Carnage victories
Participated in 4 BloodlustsParticipated in 4 Bloodlusts
Participated in 6 Elixir WarsParticipated in 6 Elixir Wars
6 Elixir War victories6 Elixir War victories
Obtained inner knowledge, marked by SarinaObtained inner knowledge, marked by Sarina
Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Winter)Captured Lucky (Yuri 96, Winter)
Participated in 19 CarnagesParticipated in 19 Carnages
Talented woodcutterTalented woodcutter
10 Year Anniversary10 Year Anniversary
Owner of brown pet rabbit Ayesha (Yuri 99, Fall)Owner of brown pet rabbit Ayesha (Yuri 99, Fall)
11 Year Anniversary11 Year Anniversary
Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 109, Spring)Braved Lost Mines (Yuri 109, Spring)
Aided Yithly (Yuri 109, Summer)Aided Yithly (Yuri 109, Summer)
Stole the secrets of the Alchemist (Yuri 109, Fall)Stole the secrets of the Alchemist (Yuri 109, Fall)
Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 113, Spring)Sailed to Gogoon Island (Yuri 113, Spring)
Sacrificed to empower mug (Yuri 113, Fall)Sacrificed to empower mug (Yuri 113, Fall)
Witnessed mug's sacrifice (Yuri 113, Fall)Witnessed mug's sacrifice (Yuri 113, Fall)
12 Year Anniversary12 Year Anniversary
Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 115, Fall)Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 115, Fall)
Won 1 clan events (Yuri 115, Fall)Won 1 clan events (Yuri 115, Fall)
Initiate of the Spy Guild, endorsed by HobartInitiate of the Spy Guild, endorsed by Hobart
Has received 6 I Ching readings (Yuri 117, Fall, ThePoe)Has received 6 I Ching readings (Yuri 117, Fall, ThePoe)
Fortune revealed 1 times, most recently by ClarrissaFortune revealed 1 times, most recently by Clarrissa
Saw the vision of Kujiga (Yuri 120, Spring)Saw the vision of Kujiga (Yuri 120, Spring)
13 Year Anniversary13 Year Anniversary
14 Year Anniversary14 Year Anniversary
15 Year Anniversary15 Year Anniversary
16 Year Anniversary16 Year Anniversary
Helped Hana protect 1 smoke signals - (Yuri 12, Fall)Helped Hana protect 1 smoke signals - (Yuri 12, Fall)
Wove the Threads of Fate, assisted by UoieaWove the Threads of Fate, assisted by Uoiea
17 Year Anniversary17 Year Anniversary
Apprentice scribeApprentice scribe
Has performed 86 I Ching readings (Yuri 19, Winter)Has performed 86 I Ching readings (Yuri 19, Winter)
20 Year Anniversary20 Year Anniversary
Donated Her Threads of Fate to aid the Kingdom of BulkkochDonated Her Threads of Fate to aid the Kingdom of Bulkkoch
Fought off Mupa's treefolk army (Yuri 56, Spring)Fought off Mupa's treefolk army (Yuri 56, Spring)
23 Year Anniversary23 Year Anniversary
Completed 99 minor questsCompleted 99 minor quests
24 Year Anniversary24 Year Anniversary
25 Year Anniversary25 Year Anniversary
Character name    

Last Updated : 3-13-2025

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