Essence Efayne

Essence Efayne
Character name:Essence Efayne
Character Nation:Koguryo
Spouse :Warlore

Vital statistics
Level :99
Vita :170760
Mana :163526
Might :50
Grace :37
Will :150
Equipment list
Armor :Moon gownMoon gown
Shield :Love charmLove charm
Helm :Hyun moo helmetHyun moo helmet

Spell list
bInfuse energy
dLife's water
eLife force
gUndo evil
hSpark of health
iBless muscles
jWrath of nature
kGuard life
mCharm life
nLife barrier
oShield of life
qBreaking of the world
rFertile soil
sDrop guard
tCall of Ming-Ken
uRestore health
vRestore sight
wReturn movement
xRaise guard
yHealing hand
ABestow power
BLife's protection
CHealing breath
DPalm of life
EMing-Ken blessing
GReturn natural
HNatures abundance
JHyun moo revival
KKugnae sage
LLife's embrace
MBreak will

Inventory list
Current gold : 23795
Half-full ginko bagHalf-full ginko bag (1)
Malgal insigniaMalgal insignia (1)
Daily coinDaily coin (18)
Bear's liverBear's liver (86)
Kindred talismanKindred talisman (91)
Yellow scrollYellow scroll (69)
Ginko woodGinko wood (2)
White paperWhite paper (1)
BeefBeef (1)
Nagnang compassNagnang compass (1)
Spirit charmSpirit charm
Rice wineRice wine
Rice wineRice wine
Green potionGreen potion (1)
Long spearLong spear
Purple ringPurple ring
Dragon fanDragon fan
Rice wineRice wine
Yellow amberYellow amber (9)
Purple ringPurple ring
Seraph pendantSeraph pendant (1)
Floral peacock mountFloral peacock mount
AmberAmber (28)
Sacred pendantSacred pendant (1)
Dark amberDark amber (10)
White amberWhite amber (7)
WoolWool (1)
Tarnished amberTarnished amber (13)
Rice wineRice wine
Rice wineRice wine
Empty food bagEmpty food bag (1)
Silver gikyeo hairSilver gikyeo hair
Long sheathLong sheath
Old Magus scrollOld Magus scroll
Old Magus scrollOld Magus scroll

Deposit list
Deposited gold : 0
Sea ringSea ring (1)
Rabbit meatRabbit meat (14)
Lake stoneLake stone (2)
Pink mugunghwaPink mugunghwa (3)
Engagement ringEngagement ring (1)
Staff of defenseStaff of defense (1)
Flametongue ringFlametongue ring (1)
Lean beefLean beef (102)
Yellow featherYellow feather (1)
Red featherRed feather (1)
White featherWhite feather (1)
Gold brickGold brick (2)
Sprite sprinklesSprite sprinkles (1)
Lime potionLime potion (21)
Muddy potionMuddy potion (11)
QuartzQuartz (1)
StardropStardrop (5)
Splendid tiger peltSplendid tiger pelt (3)
Wood scrapsWood scraps (17)
Nagnang compassNagnang compass (7)
Silver tree branchSilver tree branch (1)
Grilled beefGrilled beef (12)
Poet whipPoet whip (1)
PeasPeas (6)
ChestnutChestnut (4)
FlourFlour (3)
Corrupted staffCorrupted staff (1)
WheatWheat (17)
WoolWool (7)
Hotpink kyunwoo hairHotpink kyunwoo hair (1)
Weaving toolsWeaving tools (1)
Memory BlossomMemory Blossom (1)
Azure DiamondAzure Diamond (1)
Titanium bladeTitanium blade (1)
Root liquorRoot liquor (4)
Purple potionPurple potion (6)
RiceRice (10)
Rat meatRat meat (1)
BeefBeef (2)
AntlerAntler (34)
Shade DiamondShade Diamond (1)
White elven tieWhite elven tie (1)
AmberAmber (8)
Bear's liverBear's liver (81)
Cherry chopsticksCherry chopsticks (1)
Long sheathLong sheath (1)
Iron swordIron sword (2)
RoseRose (4)
MangoMango (2)
OrangeOrange (2)
Empty water jugEmpty water jug (98)
AxeAxe (17)
Ee san charm - BONDEDEe san charm - BONDED (2)
Pink and blue gikyeo dressPink and blue gikyeo dress (1)
Beryl uchikakeBeryl uchikake (1)
Rooster's favorRooster's favor (1)
Dragon's favorDragon's favor (1)
Tiger's favorTiger's favor (1)
Crafted wt amberCrafted wt amber (10)
Rat's favorRat's favor (1)
Snake's favorSnake's favor (1)

Born in Yuri 128, SummerBorn in Yuri 128, Summer
Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 128, Summer)Aided Chu Rua (Yuri 128, Summer)
Freed Leviathan (Yuri 129, Summer)Freed Leviathan (Yuri 129, Summer)
Engaged to Warlore (Yuri 129, Winter)Engaged to Warlore (Yuri 129, Winter)
Married to Warlore (Yuri 130, Fall)Married to Warlore (Yuri 130, Fall)
Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 130, Fall)Was blessed by the stars (Yuri 130, Fall)
Mastered the stars (Yuri 130, Fall)Mastered the stars (Yuri 130, Fall)
Understood the moon (Yuri 11, Summer)Understood the moon (Yuri 11, Summer)
Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 12, Winter)Participated in 1 clan events (Yuri 12, Winter)
Ming-Ken Poet since Yuri 13, SpringMing-Ken Poet since Yuri 13, Spring
Dog linguist (Yuri 13, Spring)Dog linguist (Yuri 13, Spring)
Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 13, Summer)Avenged treachery against the dogs (Yuri 13, Summer)
Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 13, Summer)Became Nangen Acolyte (Yuri 13, Summer)
Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 13, Summer)Destroyed Nagnang Evil (Yuri 13, Summer)
Assisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 1 timesAssisted Sally in pursuit of world peace 1 times
Novice farmerNovice farmer
Novice alchemistNovice alchemist
Attained First Mark (Yuri 60, Summer)Attained First Mark (Yuri 60, Summer)
Novice food preparerNovice food preparer
Attained totem mastery (Yuri 60, Fall)Attained totem mastery (Yuri 60, Fall)
Participated in 2 Elixir WarsParticipated in 2 Elixir Wars
2 Elixir War victories2 Elixir War victories
Master carpenterMaster carpenter
Attained Second Mark (Yuri 60, Fall)Attained Second Mark (Yuri 60, Fall)
6 Carnage victories6 Carnage victories
Participated in 3 BloodlustsParticipated in 3 Bloodlusts
3 Bloodlust victories3 Bloodlust victories
Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 60, Winter)Slew the mighty Sute (Yuri 60, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 61, Fall)Lesser alliance with the Dragon (Yuri 61, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 61, Fall)Lesser alliance with the Tiger (Yuri 61, Fall)
Lesser alliance with the Rat (Yuri 61, Winter)Lesser alliance with the Rat (Yuri 61, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 61, Winter)Lesser alliance with the Snake (Yuri 61, Winter)
Discovered horrors unleashed by the Iron Hands (Yuri 61, Winter)Discovered horrors unleashed by the Iron Hands (Yuri 61, Winter)
Lesser alliance with the Ox (Yuri 61, Winter)Lesser alliance with the Ox (Yuri 61, Winter)
Participated in 15 CarnagesParticipated in 15 Carnages
Participated in 4 Fox huntsParticipated in 4 Fox hunts
3 Fox hunt victories3 Fox hunt victories
Talented woodcutterTalented woodcutter
Completed 16 minor questsCompleted 16 minor quests
Greater alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 66, Winter)Greater alliance with the Rooster (Yuri 66, Winter)
23 Year Anniversary23 Year Anniversary
On a quest to slay the Ogre foragerOn a quest to slay the Ogre forager
Character name    

Last Updated : 2-23-2025

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